


Feeling stressed? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for stress

Stress is difficult to avoid completely; in small doses stress can be beneficial, for example helping to be motivated to get a job done. However a constant source of stress can be debilitating and lead to emotional, mental and physical problems.  Because people experience stress for different reasons, not everyone experiences every type of stress symptom. For example, while one person may only experience emotional stress symptoms, someone else may experience more severe stress that can cause additional types of symptoms.

Our wide range of therapies can help you relieve or eradicate stress. Whether you choose a relaxing Massage to ease muscle tension, Reflexology or Reiki for relaxation or Counselling or Hypnotherapy to get to the source of the problem and start to change your life we can help you.

Top Tips to fight Stress

  1. Make time for self care
  2. Recognise your triggers
  3. Avoid self soothing habits such as alcohol, drugs, gambling and shopping  which cause further problems 
  4. Realise that you don’t have to be responsible for other people’s responsibilities. Take a step back if there’s too much going on 
  5. Talk to someone you trust

How we can help you

Decide how you want to manage the stress in your life.  Do you want to work on your emotional responses to stress triggers? Do you believe at some level you find things stressful when others don’t? Then we can help you using approaches such as coaching, counselling , EFT or CBT. 

If you feel that a holistic approach may work for you then it’s a question of you giving your self some time for self care. Regular treatments can relieve you of those stressful feelings both in the body and the mind and provide a much needed top up of positivity, de -stress and relief.    

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.




Suffering from Depression? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for depression

Depression symptoms vary from person to person. It’s important to realise that everyone will feel down or depressed from time to time; it’s a part of normal life flow. However if you find you’re experiencing  feelings and emotions such as hopelessness, despair or lack of motivation that just won’t go away, you  may have depression. Depression can be mild, moderate or severe. Life changing circumstances (divorce, relationship breakdown, job loss or financial difficulties can bring an onset of depression. Childhood trauma, Traumatic events, chronic illness and unexpected life changes can also bring on depression. 

Feeling isolated, not understood and lonely (even if you have people in your life) is linked to depression. This is a key element for most people and is far more contributory that most people recognise. 

Top Tips to fight Depression

  1. Avoid alcohol as much as possible. Alcohol can make you more depressed.
  2. Exercise can help. Exercise releases feel good chemicals in our brain and body. Even a 20 minute walk can lift your mood.  
  3. Make positive connections. One of the key contributors to depression is isolation. Connecting with the right people can make all the difference to your emotional well being. 
  4. It is really important to look after yourself, even more so when you are depressed. Self care can take different forms such as eating well, getting a good nights sleep, exercising, time to enjoy a hobby or interest and of course booking a massage or another type of therapy session.   
  5. There are several evidenced based approaches that can help you be rid of or manage your depression. Book a free consultation with us to find our more.  

How we can help you

We have several therapeutic approaches which help you to explore what limiting beliefs you hold and why you act and react in certain situations. Many of the therapeutic approaches make changes in brain (neuroscience) and can help you let go of the limiting beliefs permanently. This in turn can change negative behaviours and habits helping you to be the best version of yourself

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.




Do you have an allergy? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for allergic reactions

Allergies are the result of an inappropriate immune response to a normally harmless substance. Some of the most common allergens are dust, pollen, and nuts. They can cause sneezing, peeling skin, and vomiting.

The tenancy to develop allergies can be hereditary but not always. Allergies can manifest at a time where your immune system is struggling to keep you safe, for example after an illness, during pregnancy, from a trauma or stressful periods in your life.  

Top Tips to fight Allergic Reactions

  1. Keep a diary. Note your diet, your stresses and your symptoms. Discover your triggers.
  2. Avoid your triggers once you realise what they are.
  3.  Take responsibility for your health, look for solutions that will work for you.
  4.  A healthy diet will boost your immune system; make you sure you eat 5 portions of veg and fruit a day and drink plenty of water.

How we can help you

Allergies manifest in different ways and can be noticed by a range of different physical reactions from sneezing through to asthma.  If you suspect you have a food allergy begin by booking a test. Our holistic nutritionist will give you your results within an hour and will support you further to  help you make changes to your dietary intake  in order to make permanent changes and feel healthy. 

For other types of allergies Reflexology can provide instant relief and continued support can boost your immune system which will then work effectively. Reflexology treatments promote self-healing powers of the body, strengthen the body’s immune system and support the functions of the liver, kidneys and bowel. Reflexology clients with allergies, often show imbalances in the digestive system, endocrine system, respiratory system including lungs, sinus passages, ears, nose, throat and eyes, and parasympathetic nervous system. Treating these affected areas provide balance to the whole body and improve the natural functions such as breathing, digestion and circulation.

The lymphatic treatment of the foot plays an important role in the treatment of allergic clients. Those treatments help to promote the lymphatic flow necessary for toxin removal. This way, it helps the cleansing procedure of the body. Besides relieving the symptoms of the allergy, Reflexology also reduces the sensitivity to allergens such as pollen or weeds.

It is important to recognise the significance of the mind body connection. Stress and trauma will affect our bodies. There has been a great deal of research over the past decade or so which conclusively shows our body literally keeps the score. Allergies and Asthma are linked to childhood insecurities, stress and trauma. By working to process these stresses and traumas so they are no longer affect us, the body and mind can return to its natural emotional state which  in turn strengthens the immune system which means the body will no longer adversely react to environmental triggers.  

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.

Chronic Illness

Chronic Illness

Suffering from a chronic illness and pain? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following?

Living with a chronic illness

Being diagnosed with a long-term health condition can be frightening and disorienting. Once you move beyond the initial shock of your diagnosis, it’s helpful to learn how to cope with the daily stresses of living with your illness. Managing your illness well means living healthily  as possible. Eating well, not smoking, drinking in moderation (or quitting altogether) and working to live as stress free as possible.  Managing your emotional well-being is essential as your emotional health will affect your physical health.  

Top Tips to Manage Chronic Illness

  1. Manage your illness rather than let it manage you.
  2. Book regular alternative/complementary treatments.  
  3. Work to minimise stress. High stress levels exacerbate pain levels .
  4. Understand your condition. it can be helpful to learn everything you can about your symptoms and treatment options.
  5. Observe your own body. Pay close attention to what seems to ease your symptoms or make them worse. Use a notebook or calendar to record trends and other insights that might help you manage your symptoms.

How we can help you

We have several qualified therapists, experts in their field,  that can help in various way depending on what your needs are. Massage, Myofascial release, Reflexology and our Foot Care clinic can help make remarkable positive changes in your body. Reiki, CBT, EMDR, Cognitive Hypnotherapy or EFT can help let go of limiting beliefs and negative emotions. Counselling can help support you make positive changes in your life as attitude and approach can make a big difference to your quality of life. It’s important to develop a healthy acceptance of the lifestyle changes that your condition requires.  And lastly, Nutritional therapy along with food intolerance testing and/or allergy can also help you make positive lifestyle changes. 

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.

Cancer Care


Cancer Care

This can help.


Cancer care

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer we provide several therapies that can support you. From ways of helping you to cope with the widely ranging and often overwhelming emotions to working with your body to relieve pain or discomfort.

Top Tips

  1. Manage your illness rather than let it manage you.
  2. Book regular alternative/complementary treatments.
  3. Work to minimise stress. High stress levels exacerbate pain levels .
  4. Observe your own body. Pay close attention to what seems to ease your symptoms or make them worse. Use a notebook or calendar to record trends and other insights that might help you manage your symptoms.
  5. Understand your condition. it can be helpful to learn everything you can about your symptoms and treatment options.

How we can help you

We have qualified therapists, experts in their field, that can help in various way depending on what your needs are. Massage, Reflexology and Reiki can help make remarkable positive changes in your body. EFT can help let go of limiting beliefs and negative emotions. Counselling can help support you make positive changes in your life as attitude and approach can make a big difference to your quality of life. It’s important to develop a healthy acceptance of the lifestyle changes that your condition requires.  

Our Holistic therapist, Vicki Hudson, has trained with Macmillan the leading Cancer charity and she offers a wealth of experience and expertise in helping Cancer sufferers.  Non invasive complementary therapies can help improve your emotional and physical well being and are suitable and beneficial for everyone. 

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.

Women’s Health


Women’s Health

Women's health issues? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for women's health problems

Hormone imbalance, stress and poor physical health are all contributory factors as well as perimenopause and menopause. Fertility issues and other conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis may be caused by hormone imbalance.  

Top Tips to fight typical women's health issues

  1. Take control, Rather than accepting things as they are, look for ways you can improve your health 
  2. Reseach your condition and take action
  3. Book an appointment with our holistic therapist who specialises in women’s health issues. 
  4. Eat well, move more. A good diet and some exercise will always benefit your mind and body
  5. Struggling with motivation or dragged down by your condition? Book some sessions  of CBT or EFT to change the way you think and feel.

How we can help you

If you suffer from any of the following, our therapies may be able to help you.

Hormonal Imbalances
Fertility Issues
Hot Flushes

Our therapists offer a range of therapies which can help manage or be rid of the unpleasant effects of the above listed issues.

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.

IBS & Digestion Issues


IBS & Digestion Issues

Digestion problems? IBS?This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for digestive disorders

Intolerance, allergies, medical issues may be a cause of digestive issues or IBS. Anxiety, stress and excessive worry can also greatly contribute to stomach, bowl and digestive problems.  In fact the Mind Body connection is undeniable. Latest research clearly shows how our thoughts can produce chemical changes in our body which can affect our molecular pathways and our immune system.  

Top Tips to fight IBS and digestive disorders


  1. Make life style changes
  2. Book a free consultation with us to find out what therapies are available to work to be rid of stress and anxiety, 
  3. Try reflexology. A few sessions can improve your digestion. 
  4. Book a visit to your GP if you are worried or concerned about your digestive health. 

How we can help you

We have several therapist offering different approaches which may help you to improve your digestive health.  From food intolerance tests (same day results) to getting rid of anxiety and stress. 

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.

Skin Disorders


Skin Disorders

Skin Disorders? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for skin disorders

Whatever health issues you may be facing can you imagine a life feeling better?

Our therapies offer complementary or alternative ways for easing pain, skin disorders, and common ailments which can prove to make life unpleasant and uncomfortable.

Our holistic skin clinicians can treat a range of conditions from wrinkles to warts to rosecea and acne. Using the latest researched techniques including anti-ageing and skin-repairing, wart and skin tag removal our team can help you to restore  your skin and improve your confidence.

The connections between our mind and our body provide possibility for directing our own healing, and our therapies are means of facilitating that direction.We can concentrate your inbuilt immune system devices and work to improve your health issue.

You can learn how to have more control over your physical and emotional feelings and start living a life that allows you to cope in the best possible way with whatever you are facing. 

Top Tips to fight Skin Disorders

  1. Avoid or manage stress
  2. Eat healthily. Perhaps book some sessions with our nutritionist for allergy or intolerance tests
  3. Pay attention to your skin. Keep out of the sun, cleanse and moisturise your skin with the correct products
  4. Book an appointment with our skin clinicians 

How we can help you

We have several qualified therapists, experts in their field, that can help in various way depending on what your needs are.  They can help make remarkable positive changes in your body and serve to improve your confidence. Nutritional therapy,  Cryotherapy, injectables and skin rejuvenation techniques are available to resolve your skin issues. 


Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.

Barbara Hay

Cognitive Hypnotherapist & EFT Practitioner

Barbara Hay

About Barbara

I am a qualified Cognitive Hypnotherapist and also a psychotherapist. You will find me friendly and approachable. I will not judge you nor ‘diagnose’ you. I will listen to you, I will empathise with your situation. I will work with you to find your perfect solution state. I will not label you or your problem, you already know what the problem is and you already know what the solution is; I will help you find it. I will help you to make the changes in you so you can live your life differently.

I am an Accredited member of the National Council of Hypnotherapy [MNCH)] who promotes the highest professional standards in its members. Because of this, you can be certain that I happily adhere to their strict code of ethics and conduct. I have been awarded the NCH Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD) which is the first nationally accredited hypnotherapy qualification awarded by the NCFE National Awarding Body.

I am fully insured, as are all members of the NCH and a member of the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) and I am  totally committed to undertake continuous professional development (CPD) so that you can be assured that I have access to the most up to date techniques available.

From the very first session I started to notice a difference and this radiated in my place of work. Those people who made me feel inferior before affected me much less and I started to thrive within my workplace. As I progressed through my sessions my confidence grew and as did my self esteem. Everything started to feel a bit more positive and when faced with a negative or vulnerable situation, I was able to utilise the tools that she taught me to help me understand my feelings a little more and gradually untie the previous tangle that was once my everyday. I can honestly say that nobody has helped me as much as Barbara and I believe that there is no words to justify how much she has changed my life!
JB, Fareham
"Barbara has a natural gift for the incredible work that she does. Initially, before visiting the Natural Therapy Centre for a consultation, I was heavily sceptical. I had previously tried traditional counselling but had had some bad experiences with therapists and did not find traditional counselling very effective. When I met Barbara, she was warm, knowledgeable and genuinely passionate about her work. From the get go, I felt comfortable, able to talk through personal problems free of judgement and knew instantly Barbara was someone who could relate to my problems and who I could work with. She has wide-ranging expertise and draws on different techniques, such as Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and the exercises are heavily visual. It helps to arrive to sessions with an inquisitive mindset, willing to test the boundaries of your own mind, and explore the limitations of your thoughts and behaviour. I was genuinely surprised by the changes I was able to make, with Barbara's guidance, and the progress I was able to cover over a relatively short space of time. It is recommended to keep a mental note of what you would like to achieve over the course of your therapy session(s), but it is a truly worthwhile investment in yourself and your mental wellbeing." BARBARA HAS A NATURAL GIFT FOR THE INCREDIBLE WORK THAT SHE DOES. Since seeing Barbara I can honestly say she has changed my life around. I have had no panic attacks at all, I am more open and more social and I walk in to work straight away. I have had life throw some stuff at me and it wasn't until a couple of days after I had realised this would normally make me panic and increase my anxiety but it hasn't. What an incredible and professional lady, I've already recommended her to so many people with all the help she has given me I believe other people can benefit from seeing her for their own reasons. A five star business and I will never look back. Thank you for everything".
RS, Waterlooville
Since seeing Barbara I can honestly say she has changed my life around. I have had no panic attacks at all, I am more open and more social and I walk in to work straight away. I have had life throw some stuff at me and it wasn't until a couple of days after I had realised this would normally make me panic and increase my anxiety but it hasn't. What an incredible and professional lady, I've already recommended her to so many people with all the help she has given me I believe other people can benefit from seeing her for their own reasons. A five star business and I will never look back. Thank you for everything".
GW, Southsea
"I sought help from Barbara Hay for issues of anger and alcohol abuse and the consequential damage being suffered in my marriage. Her approach is totally professional, good humoured and empathetic and she achieved major, positive results with me in a relatively short time. In my direct experience, the effects of her therapies are nothing short of miraculous and I would have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone seeking help and sustained relief from unwanted behavioural and addiction issues in their life" ACHIEVED MAJOR, POSITIVE RESULTS – TB SOUTHSEA "At a stage in my life when I needed support, Barbara was there to help me. We worked together through the sessions with no pressure from her, all led by me and my feelings. A great support in a time of need"
TM Old Portsmouth
I came to Barbra just before I hit breaking point when I knew I needed help to try and prevent myself from spiralling further. At first I was terrified of the prospect of discussing my problems and I had lost faith that anyone could help me. On our initial meeting straight away I felt a connection with her, she made me feel at ease and I immediately felt I had a friend and a protector to guide me and help me understand why things felt so difficult. I automatically felt that a weight had been lifted and that If anyone could help she would be the person. Throughout our sessions we uncovered some emotional memories but I never left a session feeling worse then I did when I started. She always made me feel as though I was safe and in control and never pushed me further then I felt comfortable with.
JB, Northend
"I cannot thank or recommended Barbara Hay enough. I was recommended to her by some family members and at first I was sceptical but after the first session with her I knew it was the best thing to do. Before I had visited Barbara, my life was hard to live I suffered from very high anxiety and panic attacks to the point it would take me half hour to walk in to work before Icould go in, I was not able to settle down because I felt like everyone was watching me, I was too scared to go to social events and when I did I would zone out and not even talk to my close friends and it affected me so much. I had lost count how many times I had an ambulance called out, it was really starting to affect me, my family and my relationship. Since seeing Barbara I can honestly say she has changed my life around. I have had no panic attacks at all, I am more open and more social and I walk in to work straight away. I have had life throw some stuff at me and it wasn't until a couple of days after I had realised this would normally make me panic and increase my anxiety but it hasn't. What an incredible and professional lady, I've already recommended her to so many people with all the help she has given me I believe other people can benefit from seeing her for their own reasons. A five star business and I will never look back. Thank you for everything". NO MORE PANIC ATTACKS –
DB, Southsea
Barbara has helped me discover so much about myself and through my sessions with her I've made huge changes in my life that benefit my whole well being and that of my family. It's been a difficult year with lots of health worries but Barbara has helped me get through them and I'm very grateful for her knowledge and support. If, like me, anxiety and depression has always been a part if your life, I can highly recommend seeing Barbara as she's helped me find a way to truly own it and by doing so it doesn't control me anymore! Thank you!
Barbara has helped me so so much, I can not recommend her enough. I have learnt so much about myself as well as come to terms with situations & feelings I had that weren’t serving me well but just brushing them away, thinking I was okay. I wasn’t deep down. Feelings & thoughts that stemmed from certain times in my life that ultimately lead to the way I felt for such a long time - I learnt about how our minds work, it’s absolutely fascinating & how it’s all linked that I find myself now reading up about it all & everything just falls into place It literally is mind blowing at how powerful our minds are & what they can do to our bodies when we feel stressed or anxious, low or depressed, panicked or helpless. I have come away from this experience not only stronger in my mind & able to think clearer, have a clear mind when I am relaxing - my favourite part. Not be defensive, think differently about situations & how to react, more importantly to not overthink things & to be open & honest about my feelings & how things affect me
SC, Cosham

Therapies she specialises in

Captured on 22-03-2022 by Mike Bell Photography.


Give me a call for a friendly informal chat:

+44 (0) 7786 314 901

Or visit my website for more details:

Vicki Hudson

Advanced holistic therapist

Vicki Hudson

About Vicki

I began my training in 2001 when I enrolled in a 2-year Diploma in Holistic Therapies.  This VTCT course included Swedish Body Massage, Indian Head Massage, Aromatherapy, Advanced Reflexology, basic nutrition and Stress Management.  I also studied Reiki to Level 2 at this time.

I then went to the beautiful Island of Tenerife and worked in a salon for 8 years, it was here that my curiosity  for understanding people and the mind-body connection developed and I realised there was so much more to touch than just the physical element.

One of these was how Reflexology can help woman become pregnant, and this is where my real passion lies. After a family friend who had been trying to conceive for over 3 years asked to have a series of reflexology treatments and after just 6  sessions with me, she was pregnant.  I was so fascinated by this idea that after completing additional training, I began my work as a Holistic fertility practitioner.

Reflexology will also help many emotional and physical problems in all stages of life, including irregular periods, PCOS, conception, post-natal care and menopause to insomnia, relaxation and stress relief. Clearing the mind to enable you to take the steps needed to improve your quality of life.

I will discuss your needs with you in depth to find out what it is you want to get out of our time together, I can also advise you on diet and lifestyle changes that may take you another step closer to where you want to be.   

I have continued to update my skills in massage as well over the years, so that I can offer clinical techniques to reduce pain and mobility issues in your body.  As the world and work become busier the more important it is that you are able to find the right person with the right skills to help you.

Actively pursuing ways to reduce the physical stress can massively improve your wellbeing.  This can go a long way to helping your body heal itself.

I now use the skills I have trained in, to put individualised packages togethers for my clients so they are focusing on what is right for them and getting the most out of their time with me.



Had fertility reflexology with Vicky after trying to conceive for almost 18 months on fertility treatments for pcos for , after 3 treatments I fell pregnant to a gorgeous baby boy! When trying for my 2nd I thought I would have to go down the same route of fertility medicine (clomid) for my pcos, before going down this route I decided to get back in contact with Vicky and after ONE session fell pregnant again!! I truly believe this helped me get pregnant so quickly I am now 33 weeks and have had my treatments by Vicky once every 2 weeks and can't live without it! It relaxes me so much and gets rid of any excess aches and pains from pregnancy! Before I fell pregnant too Vicky was actually able to tell that I was ovulating through reflexology which was totally amazing as I had a positive result from an OPK on that same day!! I would recommend vicky and her service to anyone and in fact I did recommend to a friend recently who also had one session of fertility reflexology and fell pregnant a month later after 2 years of trying! Just an amazing service and Vicky is wonderful! Book now you will not be disappointed!
Just home from pregnancy reflexology with Vicki and I feel absolutely amazing. I never switch off in massages and manage to relax but I’ve never felt so relaxed than I did in the hour I had with Vicki- I completely switched off and it’s done me the world of good which I really needed at 38 weeks pregnant! Thoroughly recommend
I had a course of 6 reflexology treatments with Vicky. I felt better after every session. It's an amazing treatment and Vicky was able to work on areas that were causing me problems. She also advised on holistic approaches that I could take to aid the treatment. Can't wait for my follow up session as a top up. Would highly recommend a visit.
I have been suffering with SPD since 13 weeks pregnant. I had a chat with Vicki and she advised me that reflexology may help. We arrange a visit. Was a very strange feeling but it really did help. For the last week I have been a lot more mobile. Let’s hope the last 8 weeks stay the same. Thank you very much. Will definitely use again.
Literally the best reflexologist around! It's amazing how even one treatment with Vicki will make you feel so revitalised

Therapies she specialises in



Give me a call for a friendly informal chat:

+44 (0) 7522 615127