


Suffer from an Lymphedema? We can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

About Lymphedema

Lymphedema affects the lymphatic system. This system has three main functions:

  • Draining excess tissue fluid: It balances the fluid in the blood and the fluid in the tissues. This is known as fluid homeostasis.
  • Fighting infection: It provides immunity by assisting the body’s immune defense against foreign bodies, such as bacteria.
  • Absorbing fats: It absorbs lipid nutrients from the intestine and transports them to the blood.

A disruption to the lymphatic system can, in the long term, undermine its ability to drain fluid properly. As a result, excess fluid can build up in parts of the body.

Lymphedema increases the risk of infection and other complications because the lymphocytes cannot reach parts of the body where swelling occurs.

Top Tips to fight Lymphedema

  1. Exercise
  2. Avoid sun beds, steam rooms, and saunas.
  3. Build strength 
  4. Eat healthily 

How we can help you

The aim is to encourage the lymph fluid to move away from the swollen area, so it can drain normally. It also helps lymph fluid drain through the healthy lymph vessels. This helps control swelling.

Fluent compression strokes provide a gentle, consistent wave-like massage to the treated areas, increasing circulation and helping remove waste and toxins from the body whilst promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

Lymphatic drainage should be offered by a qualified practitioners only. 

For pregnancy and postnatal care

For pregnant and lactating women,  gives comfort especially in legs and feet when fluid retention strikes. MLD also helps breast feeding relieving  the problems of blocked ducts and sore tight breasts.

After cancer surgery 

Lymphatic treatment is often required after cancer treatment and when the lymph nodes have been removed. Having lymph nodes removed can cause some long term side effects. Lymph nodes drain fluid from your arms and legs. If the surgeon removes the lymph nodes, fluid can build up and cause swelling in your arms or legs. This is called lymphoedema.

For healing

Reducing pain and discomfort post surgery or injury.  Decongesting the swollen and sore tissues through therapy, pain and discomfort would be reduced.


Therapies to help you

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Lymphatic Drainage

Myofascial Release (MFR)

Lymphatic Drainage

What Lymphatic Drainage is and how it works​

Myofascial Release (MFR)


Manual lymph drainage (MLD) is  a specific type of massage technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system. The hand movements and sequences are adapted for each person.

The length of the course and number of sessions required will  vary depending on your needs. 


The aim is to encourage the lymph fluid to move away from the swollen area, so it can drain normally. It also helps lymph fluid drain through the healthy lymph vessels. This helps control swelling.

Fluent compression strokes provide a gentle, consistent wave-like massage to the treated areas, increasing circulation and helping remove waste and toxins from the body whilst promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

Lymphatic drainage should be offered by a qualified practitioners only. 

For pregnancy and postnatal care

For pregnant and lactating women,  gives comfort especially in legs and feet when fluid retention strikes. MLD also helps breast feeding relieving  the problems of blocked ducts and sore tight breasts.

After cancer treatment 

Lymphatic treatment is often required after cancer treatment and when the lymph nodes have been removed. Having lymph nodes removed can cause some long term side effects. Lymph nodes drain fluid from your arms and legs. If the surgeon removes the lymph nodes, fluid can build up and cause swelling in your arms or legs. This is called lymphoedema.

For post operative healing

This gentle and relaxing therapeutic approach reduces pain and discomfort post surgery or injury, and aids your body to heal quicker. Decongesting the swollen and sore tissues, decreasing the pain and discomfort, this approach will reduce the risk of complications such as adhesions, fibrosis and seromas. 

Lymphatic drainage can help you with

Our lymphatic drainage therapist

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Clinical Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy


Clinical Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy

What Clinical Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy is and how it works



Regular soft tissue massage can calm the nervous system, assist circulation and regulate the flow of fluid throughout the entire body. This nourishes and cleanses cells, assisting the regeneration of tissue, aids flushing the body of harmful wastes and toxins, increasing resistance to sickness and disease.

Whilst it is often seen as a ‘luxury’, massage plays an important part of any health and fitness plan, enhancing your recuperation, regeneration and recovery. 


Massage therapy is used to prevent and treat physical dysfunction and pain through applying various manual techniques to the soft tissues of the body (muscles, connective tissue) and joints.

Massage therapy is supported by research to have a number of highly beneficial interrelated physical and psychological benefits, many of which are frequently indicated as rehabilitation goals.


These benefits include:

  • Reduced swelling
  • Increased circulation
  • Less muscle stiffness
  • Reduced scar tissue tightness
  • Reduced spasms
  • Increased muscle length
  • Less pain
  • Decreased anxiety and stress
  • Longer sleep
  • Increased relaxation

Clinical Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy can help you with

Our Clinical Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy practitioners

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What Reproreflexology is and how it works​



Reproreflexology works in a subtle way on a physical and emotional level and is especially beneficial for those experiencing fertility issues. Reproreflexology can be particularly beneficial in the time leading up to egg collection and embryo transfer. Treatment sessions will encourage relaxation and alleviate anxiety, helping to reduce stress hormones, which may improve your chances of success. Around four to six sessions is recommended.


Our fertility treatment package:

  • Goes beyond relaxation…
  • Utilises the scientifically proven mind-body link
  • Uses your mind to change your body
  • Let’s go of stress, limiting thoughts and beliefs
  • Compliments fertility treatment such as IVF
  • Increases confidence
  • Balances hormones
  • Regulates menstrual patterns
  • Promotes ovulation
  • Reduces the symptoms of PCOS & Endometriosis
  • Promotes physical & emotional wellbeing
  • Maximises the chance of conceiving naturally
  • Increases the success of medical assistance

Reproreflexology can help you with

Our Reproreflexologists

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EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

What EFT is and how it works​

Emotional Freedom Technique


Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is a relatively new discovery based on ancient healing principals over 5,000 years ago, from the ancient Chinese Shoalin and Taoist monasteries.

The Eastern healing arts of acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu massage and reflexology, amongst others, were derived from the energy maps established by these early healers.

The EFT process also draws important influence, especially for deep emotional and psychological issues, from the many people who have contributed over the ages to the understanding of human psychology.

TFT was founded by the psychologist Dr Roger Callahan in 1979. Dr Callahan was a trained traditional psychologist who used many traditional techniques to work with his clients. One of Callahan’s stdents simplified the TFT process; Gary Craig developed Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).  In 1995 he released his own tapping techniques which involved tapping all the meridians in sequence… without concern for the order. He added the reminder phrase, spoken at each tapping point

Recent studies and MRI images have shown  actual changes in the  brain  proving how effective EFT is in making permanent changes in the way we think and feel. EFT is very effective in providing fast pain relief  and being rid of tinnitus too. 


Barbara is a qualified EFT practitioner, having trained with Karl Dawson, the creator of Matrix Reimprinting. Karl  is one of only 29 EFT Masters worldwide.

Our EFT practitioners

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Cognitive Hypnotherapy


Cognitive Hypnotherapy

What cognitive hypnotherapy is and how it works​



Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a effective model for helping people make the changes they want, to change their perspective or get rid of life limiting beliefs and move from the negative to the positive. These changes can happen over a  short period of time and the affects can be amazing whether it’s losing a fear or phobia that restricts your life or finding the confidence in you that helps you move forward in a relationship or your working life.

It is important to know that the hypnotherapy part of this powerful therapy approach is just one tool in the tool box. Cognitive Hypnotherapy uses the best techniques from other proven therapeutic models to facilitate fundamental change also. 


Traditional hypnotherapy can tend to be a one-size-fits-all approach that is heavily dependent on scripts, but we are all unique and experience the world and our situations in unique ways – and our problems are often the result of miscalculations our brains make about the meaning of things when we’re younger, which will also vary from person to person, so the solution needs to be tailored to that uniqueness. This is fundamental to Cognitive Hypnotherapy. It means that Quest Institute trained therapists are adept at listening to clients and using the most appropriate techniques from a range of disciplines put together in a way that suits how the client thinks.

Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapists have a wide range of approaches to utilise with the client, whether from hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, AMDR positive psychology, cognitive behavioural therapy or gestalt to create a bespoke treatment plan for the client.

Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a effective model for helping people make the changes they want, to change their perspective or get rid of life limiting beliefs and move from the negative to the positive. These changes can happen over a  short period of time and the affects can be amazing whether it’s losing a fear or phobia that restricts your life or finding the confidence in you that helps you move forward in a relationship or your working life.

These changes are made at the best possible speed for you to experience lasting transformation.

Our cognitive hypnotherapists

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What reflexology is and how it works​



Reflexology works by applying pressure to points on the body, specifically the feet, in order to improve health, relieve pain and promote relaxation. Reflexologists believe that certain zones on the feet, hands and ears correspond to various glands, organs and muscles located elsewhere in the body. When pressure is applied to these zones, people claim to experience beneficial health effects. For example, massaging the tips of the toes is believed to stimulate the head and brain and relieve headaches, while pressure applied to the ball of the foot is believed beneficial to the chest and heart.


Reflexology produces a variety of physical changes in the body. Overall relaxation is evident, which in itself is beneficial for health and well-being. Reflexology has also been shown to improve circulation and assist in the removal of waste products from the body. The increase in blood flow also enables vital nutrients to reach the cells of the body, which greatly improves oxygenation. The pressure and physical contact of reflexology offers many of the same benefits as other forms of massage therapy.

The exact way reflexology works in unknown, but a number of theories exist to explain its benefits. One primary theory is that reflexology works by sending a calming message to the central nervous system by way of the peripheral nerves in the hands and feet. This message signals the body to adjust its tension level, enhancing relaxation and increasing blood flow. A second theory suggests that the stimulation resulting from a reflexology session releases endorphins and monoamines; two compounds that work to control pain and induce relaxation. A third theory, called the Zone Theory, indicates reflexology works in a similar manner to acupuncture. This theory suggests the body is divided into 10 vertical zones, and that every muscle and organ in the body can be stimulated by working on the corresponding zone point in the hands and feet

Our Reflexologists

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Pain Management


Pain Management

What pain management is and how it works



Pain is a signal, an alarm to make you aware some part of your body may be or may become damaged. Once you recognise and take steps to remove the cause of the pain or act to remedy the damage being done there is no need for the pain to continue. How many times have you contacted the surgery for an appointment with your GP and found that when you get to your appointment the pain has disappeared or the symptom is no longer presenting? This is because you have taken action in order to address the problem. Many aches and pains and ailments are rooted in brain processes that can be affected by your mental attitude and emotion, promoting good mental health or letting go of emotional issues repairs a lot of ailments the body can suffer with. Our pain clinic offers several therapies all of which are very successful for most people in managing, diminishing or negating pain.


Different approaches provide different solutions. We have a range of therapies that can help you either manage or be rid of pain.

Exercise Rehabilitation
Exercise can help rebuild confidence and manage anxiety and stress.
Regular exercise before surgery or after treatment will help you recover faster and have better outcomes.
Rehab exercises to regain strength, mobility, core stability and encouraging of good form to make everyday activities easier.
Injury prevention


Sports Massage Therapy
sporting injuries;
General Lowe back pain
Plantar Fasciitis 
Achillies Tendinosis
Frozen Shoulder / Rotator Cuff
Shin Splints
Tennis / Golfers elbow


Our therapists focus on acute and chronic pain conditions that arise in the muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. Whether this pain has arisen from injury, poor posture, overuse (i.e. repetitive strain), stress or any other reason we aim is to relieve your pain and improve your flexibility.


EFT is very effective in helping manage pain in chronic illnesses such Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s Disease, Diabetes and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It has been researched extensively, with strongly positive results for its effectiveness in resolving both emotional and physical difficulties.  It is gentle enough to be used by people in chronic pain and with the pain that comes from chronic disease.

The pain management team can help you with

Our pain management team

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Pregnancy Reflexology


Pregnancy Reflexology

What pregnancy reflexology is and how it works​



Women can suffer from many health issues while pregnant due to the changes that occur in the body; insomnia, tiredness, swollen joints and  SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction). This is caused by an instability  or stiffness in the pelvic joints at either the back or front of your pelvis.  From morning sickness to helping with labour there is a place for reflexology throughout your pregnancy. Our reflexologists have undergone  specialist training to ensure you and your baby have the safest and most effective therapeutic experience. In addition our therapist will tailor the treatment session to suit your needs specifically. 


Keeping the hormones balanced during pregnancy is as important as before pregnancy, as this enables the body to support the pregnancy to it’s maximum.

Reflexology can reduce these symptoms to enable freer movement.

Pregnancy can cause it’s own emotional stresses for the woman and therefore regular reflexology is helpful to relax and create a feeling of calm for the woman to look forward to the forthcoming event.  Using lymphatic drainage techniques reflexology will drain excessive fluid from the feet and help the lymphatic system to flow better and work more efficiently throughout the body.

Pregnancy Reflexology can help you with

Our Pregnancy reflexologists

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Pregnancy Massage


Pregnancy Massage

What pregnancy massage is and how it works​



Pregnancy massage is tailored specifically to the needs of pregnant women and their changing bodies, and therapists who are trained in prenatal massage adjust their techniques accordingly. Massage therapy during pregnancy is a wonderful complementary choice for prenatal care.


Massage may help to address many common discomforts associated with pregnancy. Your centre of gravity changes as you grow through through your pregnancy putting additional stress on your shoulders, back, hips and abdominal muscles. Sciatic nerve pain is often commonly experienced by many women in late pregnancy as the uterus rests on muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back.

Ligaments relax and your pelvic joints become less stable, pulling your pelvis forward, resulting in lower back pain and sometimes pelvic instablity, otherwise known as SPD. Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction is caused by a misalignment or stiffness of your pelvic joints at either the back or front of your pelvis. Pelvic pain or SPD can occur from around the 12th week of pregnancy onwards, but it is also recognised as a postnatal issue.

Studies have indicated that a pregnancy massage performed during pregnancy can help reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and help improve labour outcomes and newborn health.

The evidence points strongly to maternal and newborn health benefits when therapeutic massage is incorporated into regular prenatal care.

Pregnancy massages are not offered during the first trimester. The reason is the potential for miscarriage.

Pregnancy massage can help you with

Our pregnancy massage therapists

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