


Suffer from Anxiety? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

Causes for anxiety

Stress and anxiety are emotionally distressing and can affect every area of your life. Life can become so distressing and every event can seem like a huge challenge. You may become withdrawn, your performance may suffer at work and socially. After a while many people develop chronic conditions such as headaches, insomnia, IBS, tinnitus,skin conditions and more.  The under lying causes for anxiety lie in your subconscious. Previous significant events and/or limiting beliefs learned during childhood are responsible for the way you feel. Social anxiety, Generalized anxiety, panic disorders all have roots in childhood experiences.   

Top Tips to fight Anxiety

  1. Deal with it, don’t keeping avoiding situations which trigger anxiety. As tough as that seems, avoidance will not get rid of the anxiety and may actually make it worse. 
  2. Question your thoughts. Often we catastrophise things in our heads before we even encounter them.  
  3. Use 7/11 breathing to calm yourself. This breathing technique will allow the Adrenalin and cortisol to dissipate and restore blood flow to your thinking brain (Pre Frontal cortex). 
  4. Plan. Planning ahead can ease the stress of having to cope ‘on the hoof’. 
  5. Book some sessions with one of our qualified therapists.

How we can help you

Our team of therapists can help you overcome your anxiety. Helping you to understand yourself and your beliefs will start the journey to transform your life and help you be free from your anxiety.  Different therapists have different approaches so it will be up to you who you want to work with and which approach would work best for you.

Most of our therapists offer a FREE face to face half hour consultation or a telephone consultation so you can choose who you want to work.


Therapies to help you overcome anxiety

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Suffering from anger? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for holding and or feeling anger

Anger is a healthy and purposeful emotion; it’s intention is to protect you, keep you safe. However, when anger rises in situations where you are not threatened, or there is no clear risk there will be an underlying cause. Anger will still be protecting you. Look at feelings underneath the anger and you will find a myriad of feelings which your anger is trying to hide, to protect you from realising and/or feeling. Feelings of not feeling worthy, feeling disrespected, not listened to, guilty, ashamed, fearful or that you don’t matter to others. These aren’t the only emotions, feelings and beliefs of course.  

Your subconsciously held limiting beliefs drive your feelings, attitude and behaviour without you consciously being aware of it. You may find you judge yourself telling yourself “this is  ridiculous”, ” there is something wrong with me” or “I don’t understand why I am like this”. You may be risking relationships, jobs, promotions or opportunities because your feelings and anger get the way.  

Top Tips to fight the anger feelings

  1. Breathe. The  7/11 breathing technique will allow the Adrenalin and cortisol to dissipate and restore blood flow to your thinking brain (Pre Frontal cortex).
  2. Realise that people are all fellow strugglers. While they seem to be selfish or inconsiderate this is often not the case. They have issues and problems too. 
  3. Keep a journal so you can identity patterns. Often anger is a result of built up stress and feeling overwhelmed. Keeping a journal can help you identify patterns so you can manage things better. 
  4. Exercise is an excellent way to promote dopamine and endorphins and regular exercise will help you feel less angry. 
  5. Book some sessions with a professional therapist.

How we can help you

We offer a range of proven therapeutic approaches, some of which will help you manage the anger, others will help you be rid of the underlying cause which means you will no longer feel anger inappropriately, and at times when anger is appropriate, it will be in the right proportion without resulting in rage. 

Therapies to help you manage or be rid of anger

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

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Are you suffering Trauma and PTSD? This can help.


Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?

Common causes for PTSD or Trauma

  • Car accidents, plane crashes, or other vehicular hazards or collisions.
  • Unexpected death of a loved one.
  • Sexual abuse.
  • Ongoing harassment.
  • Physical assault.
  • Emotional abuse.
  • Rape.
  • Childhood neglect.

Living with trauma or PTSD is hard and can have a huge impact on everyday life. Relationships, jobs, emotional health and physical health can all be adversely affected while your brain struggles to process the original trauma.  

Top Tips to help

  1. Identify the factors that help keep the PTSD going
  2. Bring yourself to the present.  Notice 5 things around you. What you see, what you  smell, what you hear, how your clothes feel on your body and stand up feel your feet on the ground.
  3. Practice 7\11 breathing to help you move from flight or fight to present
  4. Ask yourself 5 questions. Where am I, right now?  What day is it?  What year is it? How old am I? Where do I live? 

How we can help you

Unprocessed trauma can result in PTSD. Humans are endowed with an instinctual capacity to heal as well as an intellectual spirit to harness this innate capacity.  Therapeutic approaches can help your brain normalise the symptoms of trauma and help you heal them.

Therapies to help you overcome Trauma and PTSD

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

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Emotional Wellbeing


Emotional Wellbeing

Feeling stuck, ill at ease or lacking energy or motivation? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for disruption to your emotional well being

Feeling stuck, frustrated, lacking motivation or constantly worrying are just a few of the symptoms you can experience that lets you know that your emotional well being needs addressing. Struggling to understand your emotional needs can be very disturbing and frustrating. You may use distraction or denial to push the feelings and thoughts from your mind only to find they resurface time and again. Subconsciously held beliefs (‘I am not worthy’, ‘I am not lovable’, ‘I am a failure’, ‘I am not important’) are responsible for holding you back from living your life the way you want to; To have fulfilling relationships, enjoying your job, applying for the job you’d really love to do for example. 


Top Tips to fight disruption to your emotional well being

  1. Be aware that negative feelings and emotions all have a positive intention
  2. Notice feelings and emotions rather than the thoughts. Acknowledge these emotions rather than suppress them  
  3. Learn and use EFT techniques to help regulate or negate strong emotions  
  4. Exercise produces endorphins which minimises discomfort 
  5. Teach your brain to sleep well. Sleep is restorative for both the mind and the body  

How we can help you

We have several therapeutic approaches which help you to explore what limiting beliefs you hold and why you act and react in certain situations. Many of the therapeutic approaches make changes in brain (neuroscience) and can help you let go of the limiting beliefs permanently. This in turn can change negative behaviours and habits helping you to be the best version of yourself.

Therapies to help you improve your emotional well being

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.




Feeling stressed? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for stress

Stress is difficult to avoid completely; in small doses stress can be beneficial, for example helping to be motivated to get a job done. However a constant source of stress can be debilitating and lead to emotional, mental and physical problems.  Because people experience stress for different reasons, not everyone experiences every type of stress symptom. For example, while one person may only experience emotional stress symptoms, someone else may experience more severe stress that can cause additional types of symptoms.

Our wide range of therapies can help you relieve or eradicate stress. Whether you choose a relaxing Massage to ease muscle tension, Reflexology or Reiki for relaxation or Counselling or Hypnotherapy to get to the source of the problem and start to change your life we can help you.

Top Tips to fight Stress

  1. Make time for self care
  2. Recognise your triggers
  3. Avoid self soothing habits such as alcohol, drugs, gambling and shopping  which cause further problems 
  4. Realise that you don’t have to be responsible for other people’s responsibilities. Take a step back if there’s too much going on 
  5. Talk to someone you trust

How we can help you

Decide how you want to manage the stress in your life.  Do you want to work on your emotional responses to stress triggers? Do you believe at some level you find things stressful when others don’t? Then we can help you using approaches such as coaching, counselling , EFT or CBT. 

If you feel that a holistic approach may work for you then it’s a question of you giving your self some time for self care. Regular treatments can relieve you of those stressful feelings both in the body and the mind and provide a much needed top up of positivity, de -stress and relief.    

Therapies to help you overcome or manage stress

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

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Suffering from Depression? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for depression

Depression symptoms vary from person to person. It’s important to realise that everyone will feel down or depressed from time to time; it’s a part of normal life flow. However if you find you’re experiencing  feelings and emotions such as hopelessness, despair or lack of motivation that just won’t go away, you  may have depression. Depression can be mild, moderate or severe. Life changing circumstances (divorce, relationship breakdown, job loss or financial difficulties can bring an onset of depression. Childhood trauma, Traumatic events, chronic illness and unexpected life changes can also bring on depression. 

Feeling isolated, not understood and lonely (even if you have people in your life) is linked to depression. This is a key element for most people and is far more contributory that most people recognise. 

Top Tips to fight Depression

  1. Avoid alcohol as much as possible. Alcohol can make you more depressed.
  2. Exercise can help. Exercise releases feel good chemicals in our brain and body. Even a 20 minute walk can lift your mood.  
  3. Make positive connections. One of the key contributors to depression is isolation. Connecting with the right people can make all the difference to your emotional well being. 
  4. It is really important to look after yourself, even more so when you are depressed. Self care can take different forms such as eating well, getting a good nights sleep, exercising, time to enjoy a hobby or interest and of course booking a massage or another type of therapy session.   
  5. There are several evidenced based approaches that can help you be rid of or manage your depression. Book a free consultation with us to find our more.  

How we can help you

We have several therapeutic approaches which help you to explore what limiting beliefs you hold and why you act and react in certain situations. Many of the therapeutic approaches make changes in brain (neuroscience) and can help you let go of the limiting beliefs permanently. This in turn can change negative behaviours and habits helping you to be the best version of yourself

Therapies to help you overcome depression

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

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Chronic Illness

Chronic Illness

Suffering from a chronic illness and pain? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following?

Living with a chronic illness

Being diagnosed with a long-term health condition can be frightening and disorienting. Once you move beyond the initial shock of your diagnosis, it’s helpful to learn how to cope with the daily stresses of living with your illness. Managing your illness well means living healthily  as possible. Eating well, not smoking, drinking in moderation (or quitting altogether) and working to live as stress free as possible.  Managing your emotional well-being is essential as your emotional health will affect your physical health.  

Top Tips to Manage Chronic Illness

  1. Manage your illness rather than let it manage you.
  2. Book regular alternative/complementary treatments.  
  3. Work to minimise stress. High stress levels exacerbate pain levels .
  4. Understand your condition. it can be helpful to learn everything you can about your symptoms and treatment options.
  5. Observe your own body. Pay close attention to what seems to ease your symptoms or make them worse. Use a notebook or calendar to record trends and other insights that might help you manage your symptoms.

How we can help you

We have several qualified therapists, experts in their field,  that can help in various way depending on what your needs are. Massage, Myofascial release, Reflexology and our Foot Care clinic can help make remarkable positive changes in your body. Reiki, CBT, EMDR, Cognitive Hypnotherapy or EFT can help let go of limiting beliefs and negative emotions. Counselling can help support you make positive changes in your life as attitude and approach can make a big difference to your quality of life. It’s important to develop a healthy acceptance of the lifestyle changes that your condition requires.  And lastly, Nutritional therapy along with food intolerance testing and/or allergy can also help you make positive lifestyle changes. 

Therapies to help you to manage a chronic illness

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.

Women’s Health


Women’s Health

Women's health issues? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for women's health problems

Hormone imbalance, stress and poor physical health are all contributory factors as well as perimenopause and menopause. Fertility issues and other conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis may be caused by hormone imbalance.  

Top Tips to fight typical women's health issues

  1. Take control, Rather than accepting things as they are, look for ways you can improve your health 
  2. Reseach your condition and take action
  3. Book an appointment with our holistic therapist who specialises in women’s health issues. 
  4. Eat well, move more. A good diet and some exercise will always benefit your mind and body
  5. Struggling with motivation or dragged down by your condition? Book some sessions  of CBT or EFT to change the way you think and feel.

How we can help you

If you suffer from any of the following, our therapies may be able to help you.

Hormonal Imbalances
Fertility Issues
Hot Flushes

Our therapists offer a range of therapies which can help manage or be rid of the unpleasant effects of the above listed issues.

Therapies to help you manage or overcome women's health issues and infertility

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.

IBS & Digestion Issues


IBS & Digestion Issues

Digestion problems? IBS?This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for digestive disorders

Intolerance, allergies, medical issues may be a cause of digestive issues or IBS. Anxiety, stress and excessive worry can also greatly contribute to stomach, bowl and digestive problems.  In fact the Mind Body connection is undeniable. Latest research clearly shows how our thoughts can produce chemical changes in our body which can affect our molecular pathways and our immune system.  

Top Tips to fight IBS and digestive disorders


  1. Make life style changes
  2. Book a free consultation with us to find out what therapies are available to work to be rid of stress and anxiety, 
  3. Try reflexology. A few sessions can improve your digestion. 
  4. Book a visit to your GP if you are worried or concerned about your digestive health. 

How we can help you

We have several therapist offering different approaches which may help you to improve your digestive health.  From food intolerance tests (same day results) to getting rid of anxiety and stress. 

Therapies to help you overcome digestive issues and IBS

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.




Can‘t sleep at night? This can help.


Are you experiencing one of the following symptoms?

There are many different causes for sleepless nights

There are 3 main areas to look at when dealing with chronic insomnia. By process of elimination you can discover exactly you need start in order to change your poor sleeping habits for good. 

Let’s look at your environment to begin with. We need some key ingredients to ensure we have the optimum environment for a good night’s sleep – Quiet, calm, comfort and a peaceful  mind. 

Noise. It stands to reason that we need a quiet place so not to be disturbed during the night. So if you have any uncalled for noise that wakes you, you need to take steps to eliminate the source of the noise or sound proof your room. Other people, passing traffic, pets, children, a snoring partner,  weather and suchlike can all disturb your sleep. Take action, make changes and begin to sleep better. 

Try to eliminate tech from your bedroom altogether. Blue light from devices disrupts your melatonin levels. Watching TV or scrolling through your devices before bed stimulates your brain when in fact you need to relax, zone out and become drowsy rather than alert. Recent research shows it’s been suggested that sleeping near a phone, in a home with Wi-Fi, or in an apartment building with many Wi-Fi signals can create chronic sleep concerns as the constant bombardment of Wi-Fi pollution interferes with falling asleep and sleep patterns. For many, sleep deprivation is just the start for larger concerns. The development of depression and hypertension have also been linked to inadequate sleep 

Discomfort. Aches and pains are great sleep disruptions. A poor mattress can be very uncomfortable and cause aching muscles and impact on the spine and other areas of your body. Ill health and physical pain can impact negatively on your sleep. Find ways to manage your pain. Changing medication or working with an alternative health practitioner will help you manage your pain better.  Make sure your bedroom isn’t too warm . A cooler bedroom is best for optimum sleep health (around 15 to 22 Celsius for adults).  

Irregular bedtimes can have the same effect as jet lag on our mind and body recent research shows.  Try to make bedtime as regular as possible as often as possible. Just like with other habits, the brain will create neuropathways and sleeping will be become a good habit.

And finally, anxiety, worry and stress are major contributors to poor sleep. Some people are in a pattern of not sleeping without realising their is an anxiety running in the background that is responsible. Others wake and go straight into thinking, worrying and problem solving. For some, a body feeling (tightening chest, irregular breathing or swirling or sinking sensations in the stomach wakes them. These are all ways your mind lets you know that there is something that you need to pay attention to.  

Top Tips to fight Insomnia

  1. Ditch the technology. Resist watching TV, using your mobile or tablet in the bedroom.
  2. Check out ways to improve your environment. Is your room too hot? Too noisy? 
  3. If your suffer from chronic pain or illness, find a way of managing it better. Book a consultation session with our body rehab specialist, Marcus Nash. 
  4. If you’re in discomfort, pee too frequently or generally ache book some sessions with Vicki Hudson for a tailored treatment programme which includes a verity of holistic treatments such as reflexology or massage .
  5. Quietening that mind will need some expert help.If you suffer from excessive worry or anxiety which keeps you awake ask for a free consultation. We have several therapists, experts in their fields, which can help you be rid of anxieties.

How we can help you

Whether you suffer from a physical discomfort or pain, or a emotional disturbance such as anxiety, trauma, night terrors or nightmares we have a range of expert approaches that can help.

Book a free consultation to talk to someone about our approaches, how they work and how they may help you get a better night’s sleep night after night.  

Therapies to help you overcome insomnia

Unsure what‘s the best solution for you?

Contact us now for a free and friendly first consultation.